Monday, January 30, 2012

January 30, 2012

Hi all
Hezron has reported in from Bungoma county with the plots that are in Kamukuywa.  These orchards were planted for the Pastors Augustine, Doricus, Jeremiah, and Paul.  Again some of the plots are doing well and some are not doing as well.  It is the dry season and the plants that have survived are doing very well.  We will be replacing any of the dead ones before the next rains start so the plots will be back to their original size.  As for the pictures the plants that have survived look really great.  Within a few more months we should start seeing some fruit.

Pastor Augustine and passion fruit 

Doricus and passion fruit

Pastor Jeremiah's wife and passion fruit

Pastor Paul and passion fruit

Why is it when I am in Western Kenya it rains every day and when I leave it does not rain enough?  I noticed that the posts are not up and the wire has not been run yet.  I assume that the sticks will be replaced with taller ones as the vines continue to grow to seven or eight feet.

Hezron will be reporting in soon on the other plots in Kakamega, Mumias, Kitale, and Busia.  Again please pray for my friends in Kenya and please God let it rain.

Take care and God bless


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